my most professional pose

Hi there, I'm Sizwe 👋

AFrontend devfrom Johannesburg


I have an strong interest in UX Design and building exciting projects.

My main skills

React, Next.js and UI design are my main strengths with 5+ years of self taught app design and freelancing.

Recent projects

Srch Events
Srch Events
A Next.js website to find and share events. Styled with TailwindCSS and MUI. Data and images are stored on Supabase.
Mui Dashboard
Mui Dashboard
A dashboard example with several pages built with various Material UI Components.
IP Tracker
IP Tracker
A Frontend Mentor Challenge to find the location of an IP address or domain. Works with the Ipify api to get data and Leaflet to render a map.
Fancy Notebook
Fancy Notebook
Add, remove and update notes on a simple React + Firebase app.